Piece Options

About the Program

An Anonymous and Lawful Gun Surrender Program created and operated by Defence Lawyers for anyone who wants to safely and anonymously surrender an illegal firearm without criminal repercussions. 

A group of Defence Lawyers wish to announce the creation of "Piece Options." Anyone who is in possession of an illegal firearm who wishes to see it surrendered to the police for the purpose of destruction, can do so anonymously and without criminal repercussions if they employ our Free Legal Service. For no fee at all, defence counsel will establish a client /solicitor relationship with the party wishing to surrender a firearm, and we will facilitate its surrender while protecting the identity of the client. The police will never know where the firearm came from or who provided it.
At no time does the person surrendering the firearm have to have any contact with the police. Based upon the privilege attached to the client/solicitor relationship, defence counsel are prohibited by law from revealing the identity of their client. Consequently, with the assistance of defence counsel anyone can give up their gun for safe destruction without criminal repercussions.   
We encourage everyone to give up their illegal firearm. You do not want to sell it because you know of the havoc it will wreck; and you don’t want to throw it away because it will be found and used. You are reluctant to surrender it to the police yourself, for fear of legal repercussions, but want to see it safely destroyed. We encourage mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, girlfriends, and friends to talk to Billy, David, Tang and Delroy, to encourage them to pursue this Option for their Piece. Talk to a Criminal Defence Lawyer about it. We can work out a plan for the safe and anonymous surrender of your illegal firearm.
DO NOT attend unannounced at any lawyer's office with the firearm. Anyone can call our  office to discuss the matter privately. Together, the lawyer and the client will formulate a safe and mutually agreeable method for surrender, which protects the client and the client's interests.

Contact: William Jaksa, Barrister & Solicitor 416-726-2129

Contributing Counsel:
Edward J. Sapiano, Marcy Segal , Dirk Derstine, Steven Hinkson, Aston Hall, Jennifer Penman, Cydney Israel, Gary Grill, Aaron Harnett, Mara Greene, Corbin Cawkell, Julian Falconer, Chris Morris, Charles Barhydt, Allan J. Lobel, Avik Ghosh, Alex Trica, William Jaksa, Robin Parker, Daniel Brown
Counsel who formally assisted but are now Judges with  the Ontario Court of Justice:  
Mara Greene, Melvin Green, Aston Hall